With over 1.5 million people across the world already enjoying the signature PILOXING workout, why not join them by learning how to become a PILOXING instructor?

This article will feature a step-by-step guide to help you get qualified and find your ideal job role:

But before you learn about the steps needed to begin this exciting career, why don’t you start by checking out our personal training courses?

The Level 3 Fitness Instructor is a necessity for getting started as a Piloxing instructor, but if you’re already qualified, take your development a step further with our award-nominated Level 4 Personal Training course.

Download our course prospectus to find out more, or fill in your details below.

How To Become A PILOXING Instructor

We’ll break down the steps to become a piloxing instructor, discussing everything from the necessary qualifications to getting insurance.

Step 1: Gain The Foundation Qualifications Needed To Become A PILOXING Instructor

Become a piloxing instructor with qualifications

When learning how to become a piloxing instructor, there are two qualifications that will set the foundation for your career, which we’ll explain in this section.

You Need A Level 2 Fitness Instructor Qualification To Become A PILOXING Instructor

Gaining a Level 3 Fitness Instructor qualification is an essential first step, as this qualification is required for you to be able to work in a gym.

All instructor or training roles in a gym will require this foundational qualification. Check out this fitness instructor job advert below from Achieve Lifestyle to see what we mean:

Become piloxing instructor with specialised qualifications

As well as allowing you to get a job in a gym or fitness centre, gaining this qualification will ensure you’re prepared for your role as a PILOXING instructor.

An accredited entry-level gym instructor course will cover everything from making a fitness class successful, to ensuring your classes are safe and effective for all abilities.

These are all essential skills to have when applying for jobs, leading fitness classes, and when undergoing your specific PILOXING training!

You will also need to have completed a Level 3 Fitness Instructor Course to purchase insurance that will cover you to run fitness classes, which we’ll discuss later in this article.

Consider Getting A Personal Trainer Qualification To Become A PILOXING Instructor

Consider PT Qualification To Become A PILOXING Instructor

As well as gaining a Level 3 qualification, you may also want to become a personal trainer.

Although this is not compulsory for becoming a PILOXING instructor, gaining a Level 3 qualification can be hugely beneficial in terms of your career prospects. Gyms looking for new employees often prefer applicants who can train their clients one-on-one, whereas fitness instructors aren’t qualified to offer this additional service.

Gaining a Level 4 qualification will also give you the opportunity to advance your career once you’ve become a PILOXING instructor.

For instance, you could consider teaching one-to-one PILOXING sessions alongside your classes, which would allow you to add an additional revenue stream to your role.

If you’re not already a qualified fitness instructor, you can take a Personal Trainer Diploma to gain both Level 3 and Level 4 qualifications at once.

Step 2: Get A PILOXING Certification

Becoming A PILOXING Instructor Involves Getting Certified

Once you’ve gained the essential foundation qualifications to work in a gym, you’ll next need to complete a specific PILOXING course.

There are two types of instructor training courses taught by PILOXING’s master trainers worldwide. You can either attend a live virtual online training session, or an in-person 3 to 9-hour workshop at a facility near you.

PILOXING also offers an on-demand training service, allowing you to complete the workshop in your own time from the comfort of your own home.

From those focused on the gentle Pilates side of PILOXING, to more fast-paced cardio classes, there’s a range of different PILOXING programmes for you to choose from.

Piloxing class instructor

These include:

  • PILOXING SSP, the original PILOXING workout
  • PILOXING Barre
  • PILOXING Knockout
  • The Mix by PILOXING
  • PILOXING Booty & Booty+
  • Pilates Flow by PILOXING

Each programme has a different training workshop to ensure instructors are experts in their chosen programme.

This means that, when booking your instructor training online, it’s important you choose the correct workshop for the programme you’re most interested in.

Although there is a unique workshop for each programme, all instructors will learn about the PILOXING brand.

As PILOXING is a registered trademark, this is particularly important. It means you must gain their specific qualification to ensure you can uphold the brand’s standards while teaching classes.

It also ensures clients will get the same PILOXING experience with all instructors, wherever in the world they attend a class.

Becoming a piloxing instructor

Once completed, you will receive a one-year licence to teach your PILOXING programme, as well as a set of weighted PILOXING gloves for the SSP, Barre, and Knockout programmes.

If you choose the Booty or Booty+ programme, you’ll receive 2 Power Bands with a Grip Pad.

You’ll also be given the necessary PILOXING music, training choreography, and a how-to manual to get you started, as well as a certificate declaring your qualified status.

As part of the PILOXING continued education programme, you will then need to sign up for the PILOXING Instructor Association (PIA). This has several benefits, including:

  • Additional full classes and choreography
  • Access to the PowerMusic1 music app
  • Frequent PILOXING album releases straight to your phone
  • The option to organise charity events and block parties
  • Discounts on PILOXING-sponsored events and workshops
  • Wholesale pricing on accessories for you to sell to class members
  • In-house continuing education, such as podcasts, business tools, and research on the fitness industry
  • Help to develop your fitness class business

Step 3: Get Insured When Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Get Insured After Becoming A Piloxing Instructor

As we previously mentioned, it’s essential you gain the correct qualifications to become a PILOXING instructor to ensure you can get insured.

This is evident if we take a look at the policy wording for fitness instructor insurance from Insure4Sport, which suggests their policy only covers those who have the relevant qualification for their sport or activity.

Piloxing Instructor Insure4Sport

Getting insurance for your classes is vital in case things go wrong during a session.

For instance, a class member may become injured during your classes, which gives them the right to bring a compensation claim against you, even if the accident wasn’t your fault.

A good insurance policy will cover you for any legal costs you may incur. The main types of insurance required to run PILOXING classes are:

  • Public Liability – This is the main type of insurance offered by most sports insurance policies. It provides cover in case of injury to a class member or if fitness centre property becomes damaged while you’re teaching classes.
  • Personal Accident Insurance – As a PILOXING instructor leading several classes a week, you’re also at risk of injury. From broken bones to permanent disablement, Personal Accident insurance protects you financially in case you get injured on the job.
  • Loss of Earnings – Whether you’re a self-employed PILOXING instructor or are working in a gym that may not cover sick pay, Loss of Earnings is an important type of insurance to have. If an injury you’ve sustained leaves you unable to teach, this type of insurance provides financial support if you’re out of work for more than 14 days.
  • Equipment Protection – Necessary in case you’re PILOXING equipment becomes damaged, lost, or stolen and will cover the cost of replacing it.

When choosing your insurance policy, be sure to check the level of coverage it offers. For example, Insure4Sport provides cover for up to £50,000 or just under €57,000 worth of equipment, whereas other policies may cover less.

Ultimately, getting the right policy comes down to thorough research and understanding what you need.

– – – –

Aside from learning how to become a piloxing instructor, check out these articles to see how you can continue expanding your industry skills, knowledge, and qualifications:

Step 4: Find A Job Role To Become A PILOXING Instructor

Find a Job Role to Become a PILOXING Instructor

After getting certified and purchasing the right insurance, the next step is to find your job role if you’re wondering how to become a PILOXING instructor.

We’d suggest starting by searching for PILOXING instructor job roles on online job boards such as Indeed or Glassdoor.

Most employers are likely to be looking for fitness instructors who are available to teach a variety of popular group exercise classes, such as the role below:

Level 3 Fitness Instructor - piloxing instructor

Many commercial gyms do not yet offer PILOXING classes as part of their class timetable, and so both of these factors mean you may not find a specific PILOXING instructor role.

This means one of the best ways of finding your role is by looking for local gyms, fitness centres, and venues that host PILOXING classes who may be looking for an instructor.

To find venues near you, use the Find a Class search tool on the PILOXING website:

Become a piloxing instructor by finding classes

This allows you to specify:

  • Your location
  • Class type – In-person, hybrid, or virtual
  • Class day
  • The programme you’re qualified to instruct

You could then approach companies such as UpFit who run PILOXING and other fitness classes in the community, using church and school halls.

Become piloxing instructor with Upfit

If you do find a role as a general fitness instructor for a gym that doesn’t yet offer PILOXING classes, you could refer your gym manager to the PILOXING website where they can enquire about bringing it to their class timetable.

One of the benefits of offering PILOXING classes is it allows your employer to create an additional gym revenue stream, by retailing PILOXING tools and merchandise to members.

Piloxing instructor equipment

Another option for becoming a PILOXING instructor is to set up your own classes.

There are two different ways you may choose to run your PILOXING classes: in-person or online classes.

#1 – Teach PILOXING Classes In Your Local Community

Teach PILOXING Classes In Your Local Community

The first thing you need to consider when setting up your own in-person PILOXING classes is where you’d like to teach them.

As previously mentioned, PILOXING classes are often delivered in local community spaces, including schools, community centres, and church halls.

Whether you choose to hold weekly classes or would like to run several per week, we’d recommend hiring out one of these spaces on a recurring basis.

#2 – Teach Online Classes If You’re Wondering How to Become a PILOXING Instructor from Home

Become Online Piloxing Instructor

Hosting online classes is a great option for those who would prefer to work from the comfort of their own home.

As well as lowering the overhead expenses you’d usually spend on a space to hold your classes, you’ll also be able to reach a wider audience, as class members won’t be limited to instructors who are local to them.

Our first tip is to choose a space large enough to accommodate the movements of a PILOXING CLASS. It should also have enough room to store your equipment and should be distraction-free.

Speaking of equipment, you will need a laptop or desktop PC that won’t lag when you’re using software such as Zoom or Uscreen to host classes.

Become Piloxing Instructor Online

You will also need a camera with good picture quality so class members can see the exercises you’re demonstrating, as it may negatively impact client retention if the quality is low. The lighting in your space should be even, with no harsh shadows impacting the quality of your image.

Along with picture quality, you should also invest in a microphone to ensure good sound quality. Headsets typically work best for PILOXING instructors as they leave your hands free for instructing and demonstrating exercises.

Teaching Online Piloxing Instructor

For both in-person and online classes, you’ll need to invest in essential exercise equipment for your PILOXING classes. Depending on the programme you specialise in, you’ll need different types of equipment.

For example, the main piece of equipment you’ll need to provide for all classes is a pair of weighted gloves for every participant.

For PILOXING Barre classes, you will need to purchase ballet barres for balance and stability.

Piloxing Instructor Equipment Ballet Barre

When it comes to PILOXING Booty, you’ll need the signature PILOXING Booty (PB) power bands and a unique grip pad.

These pieces of equipment are all available to purchase once you join the PILOXING Instructor Association after becoming qualified.

Finally, and most importantly, you will need to market your PILOXING classes to begin building a loyal client base.

To do this, you may consider creating a fitness website to share all of the key information about your classes.

Become a piloxing instructor with website

You can also create a booking page on your website so visitors can quickly and easily see your timetable and book classes.

This streamlines the booking process and allows them to book whenever is convenient for them, meaning they’re more likely to keep booking sessions with you.

Using booking software such as SimplyBook.me also means you won’t always need to be on hand at the end of the phone or email to accept bookings, making the process much more efficient for you too.

If you’re looking to become a PILOXING instructor with a large client base, you can use your website to display client testimonials, as UpFit does:

UpFit Piloxing Instructor Testimonials

These positive testimonials from happy clients will act as a form of word-of-mouth marketing, helping to show you’re experienced and trustworthy as a PILOXING instructor, as well as someone who can produce results for their clients.

We’d also recommend creating fitness social media pages on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. Here, you can advertise yourself as a PILOXING instructor and market your classes.

Listing your PILOXING qualifications in your fitness instructor bio will help show you’re a PILOXING expert for those who may be looking for classes to attend.

You can also use your platforms to connect and engage with class members to ensure they keep coming back to your classes.

Engage with members when becoming a piloxing instructor

Once created, you should link your social media pages with your website so those who may be considering taking PILOXING classes can discover the information they need to book classes.

Alongside online marketing, you should also create printed advertising materials, such as:

These can be displayed in local community spaces where your target demographic is likely to see them, such as

  • Where you’re running classes from (church hall, community centre, etc.)
  • Local supermarkets
  • GP surgeries
  • Community centres

You can also keep your business cards on hand for whenever you’re out and see a chance to advertise your classes.

An example of a PILOXING instructor who has successfully launched their own classes is Amy Lamont:

Amy Lamont Piloxing Instructor Prices

Amy runs both in-person and live Zoom classes to expand the reach of her services, as well as on-demand PILOXING for those who struggle to attend classes at the set time.

She also uses Instagram and Facebook effectively to promote her classes and engage with class members:

Amy Lamont Piloxing Instructor Instagram

Choosing to run your own PILOXING classes also offers much greater scope for how you price your classes, and the schedule you create for yourself, meaning it can be as lucrative as you want it to be!

Step 5: Progress In Your Career Beyond Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Once you have built up some experience as a PILOXING instructor, you may be wondering how to progress your career.

Here are four options you should consider to improve your skills and increase your earning potential:

#1 – Expand The Styles Of PILOXING You Teach After Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Expand The Styles Of PILOXING You Teach After Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Once you’ve started teaching PILOXING, you may want to become qualified in additional PILOXING programmes.

This will allow you to run more classes, which will make being a PILOXING instructor a much more lucrative fitness career option.

You will also be able to teach a wider variety of classes and appeal to a wider target audience.

For example, if you currently run faster-paced programmes such as SSP or knockout, then getting certified to teach Pilates Flow will allow you to reach those who prefer a gentler workout style.

Pilates flow instructor

To do this, you’ll need to take additional PILOXING training workshops and gain qualifications in your chosen programme.

Expanding your skills as a PILOXING instructor is made easier thanks to a 20% discount for any additional programmes you take.

PILOXING also supports the continuing education of their instructors, offering a 65% discount to refresh your skills in a programme you’re already certified in.

#2 – Offer PT Services If You Want To Become A PILOXING Instructor Who Trains Individual Clients

Offer PT Services If You Want To Become A PILOXING Instructor Who Trains Individual Clients

Another way of expanding your career once you’ve become a PILOXING instructor is to work one-to-one with clients as a personal trainer.

This means you will need to gain a Level 4 Personal Training qualification if you haven’t already.

Personal training is a lucrative service to add to your PILOXING repertoire. You’ll not only be able to teach classes, but will also be qualified to design and deliver tailored training programmes to suit individual client needs.

Become a piloxing instructor and PT

This will appeal to those who are looking for expert help to meet their fitness goals through PILOXING, whether they’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply enjoy exercise.

As you’re offering a more bespoke service, you’ll also be able to charge a higher price point for your personal training sessions than your group classes.

For example, Amy Lamont’s group classes cost £10 per person or just over €11, or €9 for a Zoom class:

Piloxing instructor group classes amy lamont

In contrast, personal trainers can charge anywhere from €25 to €65 per session, depending on factors such as:

  • Location – PTs based in London will charge more than those in Liverpool.
  • Level of experience as a personal trainer
  • The specialist skills a PT has
  • Level of demand for their sessions

If you’re looking for a job role in a gym, having a Level 4 Personal Trainer qualification will also make your CV more appealing to employers, as this signals you have a higher level of skills and knowledge to offer.

Also, many employers are now advertising joint personal trainer and fitness instructor roles, as demonstrated below.

Become a piloxing instructor offering PT services

Having both qualifications will increase the likelihood of you finding a role as a PILOXING instructor.

Personal trainers also earn a higher salary on average than fitness instructors, simply because they have more knowledge and can offer more services.

According to Indeed, the average salary for a personal trainer in the UK is €19,348. However, you can expect to earn more than €30,000 depending on where you’re employed and your level of experience.

#3 – Begin Offering Boxing Fitness Classes After Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Offer Boxing Fitness Classes After Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

If you find yourself enjoying the boxing side of PILOXING, you could expand your skill set to begin offering boxing classes.

Boxing is a highly popular sport, with over 493,400 people participating in the sport in 2021. This could be a highly lucrative career progression option for a PILOXING instructor!

To begin leading boxing classes, you will need to gain a CPD qualification in Boxing and Pad Work.

become a piloxing instructor with boxing cpd

Many gyms, including larger chains like Virgin Active, offer a variety of boxing classes. Becoming qualified to lead them will also help you stand out amongst applicants applying for fitness instructor jobs.

For example, this job role from Achieve Lifestyle asks for candidates who have specialist qualifications alongside their Level 3 Fitness Instructor certification.

Become piloxing instructor with specialised qualifications

This CPD qualification combined with your PILOXING knowledge and experience will help you to stand out as a fitness instructor and may increase your earning potential!

#4 – Teach Pilates Alongside Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

Teach Pilates Alongside Becoming A PILOXING Instructor

On the other hand, if you feel the Pilates side of PILOXING is more up your street, you could become a Pilates instructor.

Alternatively, you may want to teach both Pilates and boxing classes to appeal to an even wider range of clients!

Leading Pilates classes can be a highly rewarding career option, as you’ll be able to help those struggling with muscle weakness, injury, or lower back pain to improve their flexibility and fitness.

You will also spend plenty of time helping your clients work on their technique, which is great if you enjoy guiding and motivating individuals to meet their SMART fitness goals.

As a qualified fitness instructor, all you need to begin offering Pilates classes is a Pilates instructor qualification.

Piloxing instructor pilates qualification

Many Pilates courses allow you to specialise in a niche area, including:

  • Older adults
  • Lower back pain
  • Pre and postnatal

Having one of these advanced qualifications will allow you to offer services for those with specific needs, meaning you’ll be able to charge a higher price for each session.

Being able to put an advanced Pilates qualification on your CV will also show potential clients and employers you’re an expert in your field. This will help you be seen as a more trustworthy instructor, which will increase your earning potential.

Before You Go!

If you were wondering how to become a PILOXING instructor, you’ll now know exactly how to go about getting qualified, gaining insurance, and finding your ideal job role.

Why not get started on the first step by checking out our range of personal training courses? If you’re already qualified as a Level 3 Fitness Instructor, or you’re seeking that next step, our Level 4 PT course will qualify you further as a PT.

Find out more about gaining further qualifications by downloading our course prospectus here.


  • Statista Research Department, ‘Number of People Participating in Boxing in England from 2016 to 2021’, November 2022

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About the Author: Rebecca Felton

rebecca felton origym authour
Graduating from the University of Liverpool with a first-class degree in English, Rebecca’s combined passions for fitness and writing are what brought her to OriGym. Rebecca is a keen gym-goer and specifically enjoys lifting weights. Outside of fitness and writing, Rebecca enjoys cooking, reading, and watching the football.

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