Building rapport as a personal trainer is an important, yet often overlooked part of the role. But how exactly do you build rapport with clients, and why is it so important for attracting and retaining clients?
This article will answer these questions, covering:
- Why is rapport building as a personal trainer important?
- How to build rapport to attract potential clients
- Building rapport with clients in a personal training consultation
- How to build rapport to retain existing clients
- General tips for building rapport as a personal trainer
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Why is rapport building as a personal trainer important?
Before we get into our methods and tips, what exactly do we mean by ‘building rapport’?
According to the dictionary definition, rapport is:
“a relationship characterised by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy”
In other words, building rapport is simply about creating and maintaining a positive relationship with someone, or ‘getting on’ with them.
There are two main reasons why it is important to build rapport as a personal trainer:
#1 It helps you attract clients. You may not have thought it, but rapport-building starts before a client even signs up with you.
Having a good rapport is one of the main factors that can encourage a potential client to become a paying customer.
This is because when a potential client is choosing a personal trainer, being able to get on with and trust the PT is a huge factor that can influence their decision. So by building a good rapport straight away, you have already ticked this box!
#2 It helps you retain existing clients. Whilst it certainly helps you attract new ones, perhaps the most important reason that rapport building as a personal trainer is vital is that it can increase your client retention ratePut simply, if a client likes and trusts you, they are much more likely to stay with you. And this kind of trust only comes from having a good rapport with them!
After all, if your client doesn’t trust you, why should they continue to give their time and money to you? If you have a strong rapport, clients are much more likely to engage with you and your sessions, and ultimately, more likely to stick with you!
We’ll take you through exactly how to build rapport in each stage of the process of working with a client: attracting them in the first place, during the initial consultation, and how to maintain that rapport once they are a regular client.
How to build rapport to attract potential clients
As we mentioned, rapport-building can help you to stand out as a personal trainer and gain new clients. Here’s how!
As part of being a personal trainer in a gym, it is likely that you will have to spend some time on the gym floor when you are not training clients.
Instead of seeing this as a chore, you should see this as the perfect opportunity to start building rapport with potential gym members to turn them into paying clients.
You may be tempted to simply approach someone in the gym and ask whether they are interested in personal training with you. But this kind of ‘hard’ selling doesn’t build rapport and is not a good way to go about gaining clients.
This is because they will not have anything to base their decision on (i.e. they know nothing about you and have not seen you ‘in action’). They are therefore likely to just decline, thus completely shutting down a potential sale!
Instead, if you want to gain clients on the gym floor, you need to build rapport with them first – here’s how you can do this.
Chat to clients on the gym floor to build rapport
Perhaps the easiest way to build rapport with potential clients is to simply chat to them! In other words, becoming a familiar and friendly face on the gym floor for members.
There are lots of ways that you can do this, such as:
- Greeting members when they walk into the gym
- Offering advice on form
- Words of encouragement, e.g. if you see someone complete a heavy rep
- Taking initiative and helping anyone who seems that they are struggling- e.g. helping someone take heavy plates off a barbell.
- Begin to talk about their goals, reasons for coming to the gym etc.
However, when it comes to chatting to clients on the gym floor, you will need to use your judgement and common sense. Don’t bombard a gym member with all of these questions at once, as this will only overwhelm them.
Plus, remember that there are two situations in the gym when you absolutely should not approach someone:
- When they are doing cardio
- When they have headphones in
This is because distracting them at these times is dangerous, as they will not have their full attention on their surroundings!
Instead, it is best to target members who are using low-impact equipment, such as mats, or those who are walking around the gym or are clearly resting in between sets.
If a member seems hesitant, give them space. Don’t ask them about their goals straight away, but wait until the 3rd or 4th encounter. This allows you to gradually build rapport with them, rather than hard-selling straight away.
For example, compare the two approaches to chatting to a gym member who is struggling to get a heavy plate onto a barbell:
PT: Hey, do you need a hand putting that plate on?
MEMBER: Oh yes please, thanks!
PT: No worries, I’ll be on the gym floor all afternoon if you need any more help or even want me to spot you. My name is John, just give me a shout!
PT: Hey, do you need a hand putting that plate on?
MEMBER: Oh yes please, thanks!
PT: No worries. Have you ever thought about personal training? I have an offer on at the moment, 3 sessions for €35, or a drop-in session for just €10! Are you interested?
As you can see, the first interaction is a much more effective way of building rapport. After helping them with the weights, they simply state that they are available to help if they need. This shows that you are friendly and helpful, without directly pressuring them into anything sales-related.
Compare this to the second example, which goes into a sales pitch straight away. If someone is in the middle of a workout, they are not going to be very receptive to prices and figures! It will only alienate them, rather than building rapport.
If done correctly, chatting to clients on the gym floor can help you build rapport as a personal trainer as it helps you seem approachable, friendly and more ‘human’: all qualities that are essential in your role as a PT.
Rather than seeing you as a random stranger trying to pitch a sale to them, they will see you as a friendly acquaintance, making them much more receptive and likely to become a paying client.
You can use this method of rapport building before moving on to a more sales-driven method, which we will outline next!
Build rapport as a personal trainer by offering a free service
Once you have started to become a familiar face on the gym floor, you can then move on to a slightly more sales-driven method of building rapport with potential clients: offering free services.
But exactly what kind of free service should you offer to build rapport with potential clients?
As we have said, the best kind of free service to offer people to build rapport as a personal trainer is a free workshop on a specific area of training. This is effective because:
- You can chat to clients before/after the workshop to start the rapport building process. We recommend setting aside a certain amount of time to do this- e.g. make sure you are there 15 minutes before and after the workshop is scheduled.
- You can reach multiple potential clients at once. For example, say you have 8 clients in one half an hour workshop. This is a much more effective use of your time than spending 8 hours doing 8 seperate hour-long 1-on-1 trial sessions for free!
- They are quick and easy for you to plan and run. A workshop should generally be no more than 30 minutes long, and should be fairly simple in structure and format. They should also be on an area of fitness that you are experienced in, so that you can come across as confident and competant.
- Clients can see your training style in action. This is a perfect chance to showcase your skills and personality.
For example, you could run a workshop on a specific area of fitness, or with a specific goal in mind. Here are some examples of types of workshops you could run:
- The best kettlebell leg exercises
- Cardio for weight loss
- How to build core strength
- Flexibility and mobility
Let’s take that first example of a kettlebell workshop. When approaching people on the gym floor, you could say something like:
Hi there, really sorry to interrupt your workout but I just thought I would let you know I’m running a Lower Body Kettlebell workout in the studio room in 15 minutes time if you would like to join. It’s just half an hour long and completely free!
However, it is not a good idea to just approach people randomly on the gym floor 2 minutes before your workshop begins! This will make you seem unorganised and unprofessional, which is not a good way to attract clients!
Instead, set aside a certain amount of time before your workshop to approach clients, and aim to speak to a certain number of people.
For example, say your workshop is at 3pm, you could start approaching people on the gym floor at 2.30, with the aim to speak to at least 10 different potential clients.
Having a set time-related goal like this helps systemise your rapport-building approach, so that you can manage your time effectively, as you can schedule it in around your other commitments as a personal trainer.
As well as approaching clients yourself direclty, a good way of letting people know about your workshop is to schedule an announcement on the gym tannoy system.
For example, 30 minutes before your workshop, you could say something like this:
Attention gym-goers! Do you want to learn how to use kettlebells for the lower body? Or perhaps you want to mix up your workout today and level-up your leg day? Join me, [your name], in the studio on the second floor in half an hours time at 3pm for a FREE 30 minute lower body kettlebell workshop! All equipment is provided, just bring yourselves!
Then, 5 minutes before the workshop starts, you could do a further announcement along the lines of:
The FREE 30 minute lower body kettlebell workshop is about to start in 5 minute’s time! Places are limited, so make your way over to the studio on the second floor now to take part!
Notice how the announcement clearly states what the workshop involves, how long it is and where it will be. This leaves no room for confusion, making people more likely to attend.
Doing an announcement like this means that you can reach everyone in the gym, even if you don’t have a chance to approach them directly. You’ll also reach people in other places than the gym floor, such as the changing rooms!
Offering a free workshop like this is a great rapport-building method to gain clients, as there is no obligation involved- they can attend the workshop for free and you can demonstrate your teaching style and personality.
The customer can then take time themselves to decide whether they want to follow up and sign up to your services.
Building rapport with clients in a personal training consultation
As well as helping you with the initial stage of attracting clients, having a good rapport with clients can also help you when it comes to a personal training consultation which is another vital part of your personal training role!
A personal training consultation is essentially when a client has shown interest in your services, and is the chance for you to really sell yourself.
It can vary, but PT consultations are typically offered for free, so there is no financial commitment from the customer. At this stage, they are still just a potential client.
Because of this, it is even more vital that you make a good impression, as this is what could turn a potential customer into a paying client!
A key part of making a good first impression is to start building that good rapport straight away.
We have a whole video below on how to conduct a personal training consultation. But in summary, it will involve:
- Discussing your client’s goals for personal training
- Building rapport with your client
- Establishing their current fitness level
- Finding out about any special requirements such as injuries or health issues
When it comes to building rapport as a personal trainer in a consultation, there are some key things to remember. In fact, this expert personal trainer advice applies to maintaining rapport with existing clients too, which we will discuss in more detail in the next section of this article!
#1- Want to build rapport as a PT? Find a common ground!
A great way of building rapport as a personal trainer is to find a common ground between you and the client in a PT consultation.
In other words, it is about finding a common interest that you share. This could be:
- Shared hobbies
- Support the same sports team
- Same taste in music
- TV and film
- Your local area- perhaps you went to the same college, or have some mutual friends
For example, a conversation could go something like this:
PT: Have you watched anything good on TV lately?
CLIENT: Yes, I actually watched that new drama on BBC last night.
PT: Me too! It was great wasn’t it?
CLIENT: Yes, I loved the part when….
This immediately establishes a common ground between you both, making you ‘on the same level’- which is an essential part of building rapport.
When doing this, it is also important to establish a common ground before you mention anything directly sales or fitness related, such as their goals or your pricing. Launching straight into these topics makes it seem like a business transaction, which will not help you build rapport!
Plus, once you have established this common interest, if they become a regular paying client, you can always fall back on this as a topic of conversation to maintain rapport. For example, if that TV show you are both watching is in weekly instalments, you could discuss the latest episode each week!
Similarly, say support the same football team, this is another thing that can be brought up regularly, as you can discuss recent and upcoming matches.
However, a ‘common ground’ doesn’t always have to be a shared interest or hobby. It can be something as small as sharing the same experience, however small that may be.
Some examples of some topics to establish a common ground are:
- The weather
- Traffic
- Day of the week
- Time of the year
- What they got up to at the weekend
- What they have planned for the upcoming weekend
- Holidays
Notice how these are all neutral topics that are relevant to everyone, no matter your age, gender or background.
Avoid talking about topics that can be controversial, such as religion or politics. Their views might not align with your own, which can cause tension and damage rapport building.
You may think that during a consultation, you should just be talking about fitness-related topics. This is certainly a big part of a PT consultation, but talking about other topics such as these is what will really help you establish a good rapport with your clients.
Here’s an example of how using the weather can be used as a common ground for building rapport with clients:
PT: How are you today?
CLIENT: Good thanks, how are you?
PT: [If it is sunny] : Yes, great thanks. It looks lovely out there, have you managed to get out in the sunshine?
[If it is windy] : Yes, great thanks, is it still really windy out there? Hopefully It blows over by the weekend, what plans do you have for this weekend?
[If it is raining] : Yes, great thanks, is it still raining out there? Hopefully it clears up by the weekend, what plans do you have for this weekend?
As you can see, something as simple as the weather can break the ice and help you start to build a rapport with your clients.
Finding a common ground in this initial consultation will help you gain clients as it establishes a connection between you both straight away. This makes it more likely for them to want to see you again and sign up to train with you, compared to a PT who they don’t get along with!
#2 Use relevant examples of past clients to build rapport
In a personal training consultation, you are essentially trying to sell yourself. As part of this, you may want to show examples of past clients you have trained successfully.
But if you want to build a rapport with your clients, the examples you use need to be relevant to the person you are with in the consultation.
In other words, make sure that you show them examples of someone with a similar demographic, and who has similar goals.
This will help you build rapport as it shows them that you are the best person to help them reach their goals, as you have helped someone similar to them get results before.
For example, if a potential client is fairly new to fitness and says that their goal is to lose a couple of stones and generally tone up. It would not be relevant to start telling them about an athlete that you trained and helped them to reach their deadlift PB!
This example is simply not relevant and runs the risk of disillusioning the client.
Instead, show them someone they can relate to, i.e. a client who was also new to fitness and who you helped lose weight and tone up, whether in the form of a before and after photo or a testimonial. This is more likely to engage them than someone who they have nothing in common with!
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How to build rapport to retain existing clients
Just as important as gaining clients is retaining your existing ones, and building rapport as a personal trainer is a great way to do this.
The process of rapport building as a personal trainer shouldn’t stop once you have made a sale- it should be ongoing throughout you and your client’s relationship. This is one of the best tips we can offer if you are just starting out!
To understand the importance of building rapport with existing clients, think about this comparison:
Ask yourself; what keeps you returning to the same hairdresser?
Usually it’s the fact that you’ve known them for several years and built up a relationship with them. You feel comfortable in your appointments and feel as though they do a good job on your hair.
If you tried a new hairdresser and they didn’t make a real effort to make you feel comfortable in their presence, it’s unlikely that you would go back to them, no matter how well they cut your hair!
Hopefully this gives you a simple insight into what rapport looks like, and you realise the importance of making your clients comfortable during your sessions together.
You could give them the best PT session that they have ever had, but if you fail to put them at ease and build a meaningful relationship with them, they won’t be returning to you in the long run. Your client retention rates will drop and so will your overall earnings.
With this in mind, here are some ways that you can build rapport with your existing clients:
#1- Build rapport by being an active listener
When it comes to good personal trainer communication skills, you may think that it is all about what you say.
But in fact, a vital part of personal trainer rapport building is being a good listener!
More specifically, you should try to be an ‘active’ listener. Active listening involves:
- Not just taking in someone’s words, but actually understanding the meaning and significance of what they are saying
- Not interrupting
- Not being distracted by what’s going on around them
- Maintaining eye contact
- Signs of encouragement such as nodding or words of agreement
- Asking questions about what they’ve just said, rather than completely changing the topic of conversation
Active listening can help you build rapport with clients as it shows that you respect them and care about what they are saying. This makes them feel valued and therefore more likely to keep training with you.
For example, it is no good asking a client about their weekend if you don’t actually listen properly to their response. Your interest should be genuine!
Compare the following two conversations. Which do you think demonstrates active listening?
PT: Have you got any plans for the weekend?
CLIENT: Yes actually, I’m going to London with my boyfriend.
PT: Cool, anyway in today’s session…
PT: Have you got any plans for the weekend?
CLIENT: Yes actually, I’m going to London with my boyfriend.
PT: Cool, where in London are you staying?
CLIENT: We’ve got a hotel near Regent’s Park.
PT: Oh nice, I went to uni in London so I know it well, I can give you some recommendations if you want… [and the conversation continues]
Clearly, the second conversation is a good example of how active listening can help build rapport as a personal trainer. Instead of cutting the client short like in the first conversation, they have picked up on what they’ve said and asked another question off the back of it.
This shows that they have a genuine interest in what the client has to say, which is one of the key elements of rapport building.
Another way to build rapport as a personal trainer is to listen to something that a client says in one session, and ask them about it in the next.
To take the above example, in the next session, you could ask them how their trip to London was. This shows that you have listened and remembered what they told you.
If you have lots of clients, you may be thinking that you can’t possibly remember everything that each of them say to you. And we don’t blame you!
A solution to this is to make a habit of writing things down at the end of a session. Whilst you should already be doing this for fitness related things for your client, you could also write a quick note on things that they have said that you want to remember to mention in the next session.
You could then give these notes a quick read before your next session with them, sparking your memory and giving you something to talk about.
#2- Maintain communication in between sessions
As well as building rapport with clients during sessions themselves, you can also do this in between sessions too.
Some ways that you could do this are:
- Reminder texts about sessions
- Engaging with them on social media, e.g. through a personal trainer Facebook page
- Texts checking in on their progress
- How to build a home workout
However, you should always make sure that you respect your client’s space and privacy. There is a fine line between building rapport with clients, and maintaining a professional relationship with them.
In other words, don’t bombard them with multiple texts a day- this is simply not necessary and is an invasion of their personal space. Try to limit texts to once or twice a week. For example, you could send one after a session summarising what they have achieved, then one the day before their session to remind them.
These kind of texts could look something like this:
After a session:
“Hey, great work in our session today, you smashed it! Remember that before our next session, I want you to work on practising your squat form in the mirror. Next week, we’ll be focusing on squatting with a heavier weight, so you need to get that form perfect! Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday at 5pm.”
The day before a session:
“Hey, hope you’ve had a great weekend. Just a reminder that our session is at 5pm tomorrow! Hope you’ve been working on your squat form and you’re ready to up the weight this week! See you tomorrow.”
Texts like these help build rapport with clients as it shows that you are invested in their progress. It also keeps them engaged with their training in between sessions, making them more likely to stay with you!
#3- Notice how a client comes into a session
An often overlooked part of personal trainer rapport building is being sensitive to how they are feeling on a particular day.
In other words, being aware of any outside factors that could influence their performance in your session. This could be anything, including:
- A stressful day at work
- Problems with family
- A bad night’s sleep
- An injury
- Relationship issues
…the list goes on!
For example, say you have a client who is usually a fairly chatty and bubbly person. If one day they walk into your session and hardly say a word, or seem stressed or upset, a good personal trainer will be able to pick up on this.
So in this case, if you notice that they seem stressed, you could say something like:
“Hey, are you feeling ok today?”
“You seem a bit distracted today, are you ok to carry on with the session?”
“You seem a bit tired today, let me know if you want to take a break at any time.”
It is then up to the client whether they want to tell you what’s wrong. Remember to respect their privacy- don’t push them if they don’t want to talk about it!
But on the other hand, you could find out the problem, which crucially, allows you to adapt the session accordingly.
For example, if they say that they’ve been up all night with their child and have hardly slept, you could adapt and reduce the intensity of the session.
This helps to build rapport as it shows that you are treating them as an individual, and understand that there is a life outside of the gym that can influence performance.
We’re not saying that you need to be a psychologist, but part of rapport building as a personal trainer is having your client’s best interests at heart.
#4- How to build rapport as a personal trainer: Go above and beyond!
Another great way to maintain and build rapport with your clients, is to do things that go above and beyond the basics of your role as a personal trainer.
Particularly if you have long-term clients, it can be easy to forget about them, or assume that they will always be clients. But you need to make as much effort with them as your potential or new clients!
There are lots of ways that you can go the extra mile for your clients, including:
- Being flexible. For example, be willing to allow loyal clients to cancel or reschedule sessions, without asking for a refund. This shows that it is more than just a business transaction, and you understand that sometimes life gets in the way!
- Gifts on their birthday or special occasions. Check out our list of the best gifts for personal training clients here for some inspiration.
- Offer extra services. For example, if you take a Level 5 Advanced Sports Nutrition course, you will then be qualified to give nutritional advice to your clients.
Gestures such as these all help build rapport with clients, as they show that you value their custom. And if a client feels valued, they are more likely to remain a loyal client.
General tips for building rapport as a personal trainer
So, we hope that you now have some tangible ways of building rapport as a personal trainer for both attracting and retaining clients.
Here are some general tips that apply to all of the above methods, that will help you build rapport with your clients.
Think about your body language
Body language, or non-verbal communication, is something that should not be overlooked when it comes to building rapport as a personal trainer.
Sometimes, a person’s tone of voice or body language can communicate much more than their words.
Regarding communication, Albert Mehrabian came up with the ‘7%-38%-55% Rule’.
The general principle is that the actual words account for 7%, whereas tone (38%) and facial expressions/body language (55%) make up the majority of communication.
While you could even say something that on paper is supportive and kind, if you deliver it in a way that appears like you’re bored, stressed, or annoyed with them, it will have the opposite effect!
One good body language technique to employ to build rapport with clients is ‘mirroring’.
Mirroring is simply when you match your body language to theirs. For example, if they stand up, you stand up too. If they sit down, you sit down too.
Other good body language tips are:
- Stand up straight
- Smile
- Face the client when you are talking to them
- Give them eye contact when you are speaking to them
- Avoid defensive stances such as crossed arms
Of course, since you will be in a gym environment, there are some exceptions to these techniques. For example, it may not always be possible to directly face them and have eye contact with the client if whilst they are performing an exercise.
When it comes to body language, use your common sense and discretion to decipher what body language is appropriate in what situation.
Also remember not to be too mechanical with methods like mirroring. If it is obvious that you are making a conscious effort to mirror them, they will become self-conscious- which will damage your rapport.
Adapt your personality to each client
When it comes to building rapport with clients, you should remember that every client is different.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to building rapport; what works with one client, may not work with another!
Even if you use all of the methods and tips outlined in this article, you may find that you have to work harder to build rapport with some clients, whereas it may come more easily with others.
For example, if a client is a chatty and outgoing person in the first place, you may find that you build rapport with them fairly quickly. Whereas if a client is naturally more introverted and shy, you may find that it is harder to get them to engage with you.
But why is this?
This is because we all have different personality types, loosely falling under these 4 categories:
We’re actually all a mix of all 4 of these personality types, just on different levels and percentages. However, we do tend to be one of these colours primarily.
If you want to build rapport as a personal trainer, you will need to be able to identify which of these personality categories your client fits into, and then mirror it. This is called mirror image selling, and is based on the same principle of mirroring that can be applied to body language.
Similarly to mirroring body language, mirroring someone’s personality simply means adapting aspects of your behaviour to align more with someone else’s. This could includes things such as:
- Tone of voice
- Energy levels
- Volume of your voice
- Speed you talk
- Body language
- Attitudes
For example, say your client fits mainly into the traits of the ‘blue’ category.
If you are naturally more of a ‘red’ personality type, you may have to change your behaviour to align more with your clients. You may need to slow things down, speak more softly and tone down your energy levels.
This helps to build rapport with clients as it brings you closer to their level, making them more likely to engage with you.
Avoid overly-technical jargon
If you’re a qualified personal trainer, you will have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of fitness terminology.
However, many personal trainers forget that their clients likely don’t have this same level of knowledge.
You may think that it sounds impressive, or you may be so familiar with it that you don’t notice that something is a technical term.
But as a personal trainer, you need to let go of your ego! Using overly-technical and complicated fitness jargon with your clients will only serve to alienate them, as it makes you seem ‘above’ them- and this is the exact opposite of how you should be building rapport as a personal trainer!
This comes back to the same principle of mirroring that you should apply to body language and personality; you need to mirror your language to your client’s.
For example, say that you are training a client to perform a deadlift. The client is new to fitness and has never done a deadlift before.
Which of the following cues do you think are best to use with this client?
“Make sure that you suck your belly in and keep your back straight throughout the exercise”
“Make sure that you engage your core and contract the muscles in your lumbar to stabilise the spine”
The first sentence is clearly the most appropriate in this case.
Considering that the client is new to fitness, it is likely that they won’t know what ‘engaging the core’ means, or the terms ‘lumbar’ and ‘stabilise the spine’ mean.
Instead, ‘suck your belly in’ and ‘keep your back straight’ convey the same physical cue, but just in a more accessible way that a beginner would understand and be able to visualise.
That said, if you are training an athlete, then using technical terminology may indeed be appropriate!
You simply need to use your judgement to decide the level of terminology to use with each client, assessing them on an individual basis based on their existing fitness knowledge and understanding. This is all part of building rapport with your clients!
Before you go!
So, we hope that you now know how to build rapport as a personal trainer, and why it is so important in gaining and retaining clients.
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