6 Nutrition Practice Passive Income Ideas

There are plenty of nutrition practice passive income ideas you can develop to expand your skills and earn some extra money, and in this article, we’ll break these down for you.

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6 Nutrition Practice Passive Income Ideas

As passive income is an income stream that continues even when the work is complete, this is certainly something to consider if you’re wondering how to make money as a nutritionist.

We’ll break down our list of nutrition practice passive income ideas from selling resources to starting your own YouTube channel.

#1 – Sell Resources & Products For Nutritionist Passive Income

Sell Resources & Products For Nutritionist Passive Income

The first passive income for nutritionists you should consider is deciding whether anything you currently offer for free could be used to generate income. Many fitness enthusiasts and those who have recently become a personal trainer are likely to be interested in these subjects.

This could be for resources such as:

  • Videos
  • E-Books
  • Documents
  • Recipes

Although all clients of your nutrition practice will want some level of help, this will vary between individuals. While some may want a lot of support through your 1-on-1 services, others may be looking for more of an independent study approach they can complete in their own time.

Offering digital resources such as the ones above means you can appeal more to those who may want a less ‘hands on’ approach. This allows them to still use your knowledge and services but in their own time which may better suit them.

Sell Digital Resources For Nutritionist Passive Income

You may take a DIY approach by providing a series of resources such as:

  • Prepackaged diet plans
  • Meal plans
  • Calorie intake records
  • Recipe collections
  • Video overviews

People could pay to use your services and be included as part of a subscription model. Although you’d have to provide new content, this would only need to be done once a month or a few could be completed in one batch. After the new content is created, it still becomes passive nutritionist income.

You can decide to tailor towards certain groups such as providing simple meal plans and recipes for ‘Men Over 50’ or ‘21 Days To Improve Your Concentration’.

However, you may take a different approach and also sell home test kits such as Sarah Flower:

Sarah Flower Nutritionist Passive Income

These home test kits will often include a finger prick test for a blood sample. Food intolerance and allergy test kits are great ways to help people gain an insight into issues they may be experiencing regarding their diet and lifestyle.

You could have them follow up with a live video call to discuss their results and help them move forward. As you can see in the example of Sarah Flower, her home test kits are highly priced. This means even just by selling one, it can provide substantial passive income for a nutrition practice.

Test Kits Passive Income For Nutritionists

You’ll also need to consider where you’ll sell these digital products. If you have a website, you could do it this way and promote your additional programmes and online resources through your social media.

#2 – Nutrition Practice Passive Income Ideas Include Affiliate Marketing

Nutrition Practice Passive Income Ideas Include Affiliate Marketing

To increase your nutrition practice passive income, you should consider adding affiliate marketing into your business plan. This is usually done through an affiliate programme with a particular brand or product, allowing an individual or business to earn money.

This works the same way as personal trainer affiliate marketing. You’ll recommend products or services to people who visit your social media accounts or website. This can be through codes or links and you will earn commission if people purchase products or services by using your link.

For example, Naked Nutrition has an affiliate programme which allows users to get a commission if purchases of their products are made using your link:

Naked Nutrition Affiliates Passive Income for Nutritionists

Members of the affiliate programme gain 10% of sales commission and there is a cookie duration of 30 days. This means you still get commission on any purchase made within these 30 days from the same customers, even if they end up going directly to the Naked Nutrition website.

The more popular your social media or website is, the more likely you are to gain an impressive nutrition practice passive income. Based on the success of your affiliate scheme, this could open up further opportunities for you.

Affiliate opportunities for nutrition passive income

You can promote these products on your social media or website. If you have a lot of followers, you should promote it on your accounts as it’s more likely to generate immediate interest than just having it on your website.

These affiliate links can be promoted on social media by including:

  • Written descriptions of what’s being offered
  • Photos of the products you’re promoting
  • The actual discount
  • A link or code to purchase discounted items

You could also do a combination of both, such as in the example below regarding MyProtein:

My Protein passive nutritionist income

In the post, Abbie has posted herself with the product, along with a description of her own experiences of using the products and the discount code. Framing your post in a similar way is likely to make more people follow the link and help you earn passive income as a nutritionist.

You can do this on a YouTube channel too (which we’ll go onto discuss below), like what Autumn Bates has done with the sponsor of her video:

Autumn Bates YouTube passive income for nutrition practice

However, when deciding on a nutrition affiliate programme, you should always research the company and products you’re going to be promoting. If there is controversy over a particular product or company, this will reflect badly on you and your brand.

The bottom line is, when signing to become an affiliate of a certain company, be sure to advertise and promote across your social media as this will increase sales and result in more nutritionist passive income for you.

#3 – Start A YouTube Channel To Earn Passive Income As A Nutritionist

Start A YouTube Channel To Earn Passive Income As A Nutritionist

The popularity of video sharing platforms such as YouTube means many people have turned to online members of the fitness community to learn about how to reach their goals or improve their health.

This makes it a great form of nutritionist passive income. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to do this successfully. You will need to already have a following and regular audience for your channel to be eligible for monetisation.

This process is how people earn money from YouTube. Many people have the wrong idea about how creators make money from the platform- users aren’t paid based on their number of subscribers, or even if you have millions of views. You won’t be paid unless your channel is monetised.

Nutrition practice passive income includes making videos

This means YouTubers are paid through sponsorships and adverts. However, not everyone is eligible for this.

Before you can generate revenue from YouTube, you need to have at least 1000 subscribers. You also need to also have 4,000 hours of your content watched in the past 12 months for you to join the YouTube partner programme and monetise your channel:

YouTube partner passive income for nutritionist practice

The partner programme allows adverts to be included in videos which is how you create additional revenue. This system works by having companies pay YouTube to have their adverts shown before, during, and after videos.

For example, OriGym’s YouTube channel is monetised, meaning an advert from Wix shows before a video plays:

YouTube advert passive nutrition income

This system works on a ‘pay per click’ basis as companies only pay YouTube when someone clicks on the ad shown during the video.

According to Marketing Heaven, YouTube pays €1.31 per 1000 views on average. This means it’s unlikely many creators will be making thousands. However, if you have a relatively popular channel, you can still make a modest amount of income to support your nutrition practice.

By putting in the effort of building your audience, you’ll be able to increase the amount of nutritionist passive income you receive. There is no ‘secret’ to doing this, you just need to be willing to invest the time and effort into creating appealing content and building an audience.

YouTube passive income for nutritionists

The most effective way to do this is by deciding on a niche and the intended audience for your videos. This makes it more likely you will find a loyal audience rather than making the content of your videos too broad and generic for your channel to become popular.

For example, you may choose to do something similar to New Ways Nutrition. Renea creates content specifically about nutrition for babies, which means her main audience will be parents:

New Ways Nutrition passive income

This makes it easier for Renea to gain more of a nutrition practice passive income as while she doesn’t have thousands of subscribers and views, she’s still carved out a niche for herself.

To be successful with making passive nutritionist income from YouTube, some tips include:

  • Identify your target audience: By doing this, you’ll find it easier to create relevant content as you build your subscribers and develop your videos around them.
  • Find your niche: You’ll be up against a lot of competition if you stick to making broad, generic content. As mentioned above, this means you should find an area of nutrition you’re passionate about and that may be less common.

Examples of particular niches for a nutrition YouTube channel can be:

  • Nutrition for pregnancy
  • Nutrition for the elderly
  • Nutrition for severe allergies
  • Vegan lifestyle

By choosing a niche, this means you will have less competition which will result in more views for your content. The right audience are also more likely to return rather than just watch a video once as they’ll be more interested in your content.

Make videos for nutritionist passive income

Others tips to ensure passive income for nutritionists include:

  • Create high-quality content: If you want a successful YouTube channel, it’s certainly worth investing money into a decent microphone and video camera. Trying to give people advice with audio that’s too quiet, too loud, or generally low quality is unlikely to make people subscribe. Good equipment and lighting will go a long way in increasing the professionalism of your videos.
  • Optimise videos for SEO: Ensure you optimise content by using keywords in your video titles and descriptions. Although you should be spending time on your content, ensure you post regularly to keep your audience engaged with your channel.
  • Market your channel on other platforms: You should use other social media to promote and market your YouTube account. This can be on Facebook, Instagram, or through your own website if you have one.
  • Vary video content: To keep your audience interested, you should occasionally vary your videos. This keeps content engaging and allows subscribers to see your life behind the camera and your personality.

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To continue thinking about nutrition practice passive income ideas, check out these articles for further inspiration:

#4 – Passive Income For Nutritionists Can Involve Earning Money From A Blog

Passive Income For Nutritionists Can Involve Earning Money From A Blog

Similar to making money as a fitness blogger, you can earn passive income as a nutritionist by monetising your blog. If you’re already providing users with content, you should certainly maximise earning potential by generating profits from your blog.

You need to ensure you’re creating great, professional content if you’re looking to monetise your blog. Follow this simple criteria to keep your blog and writing of the highest quality:

  • Have a clear topic for each blog post – Setting out exactly what you want to write about is important for keeping your writing clear and concise. It’s much more likely to keep readers engaged if you stay on topic and inform them on something they’re interested in. Narrow the scope to avoid rambling or mentioning irrelevant information.
  • Structure your writing – Your post should follow a simple structure, beginning with an introduction, followed by the main body, and finally a conclusion.
  • Break up text with headings and paragraphs – The last thing anyone wants to do is read a long block of text, especially on a subject they don’t know much about. Ensure there’s plenty of blank space on the page by breaking up text to make it easier to read.
  • Include keywords – Use SEO keywords to improve your rankings on Google and have more people land on your page.
  • Provide links to published content – Linking to previous blog posts you’ve written adds credibility to your work and highlights authority on the subject. It also improves your ratings on Google which will attract more readers.
  • Always proofread – As with any writing, you should always proofread your work to avoid any spelling and grammar mistakes. Not doing this will show a lack of care and will make your work look unprofessional, decreasing your credibility.

When you have content you want to monetise on your blog, you can generate passive nutritionist income by incorporating adverts into your website. Google AdSense can help you earn money from your blog as it optimises mobiles and desktops to feature adverts.

Google Adsense - Passive income for nutritionist

Using the Google AdSense calculator, users can see how much they could potentially earn from this tool. For example, if the location is set to Europe and the website content category is ‘Health’, it will generate potential earnings based on 50,000 monthly page views:

Google adsense analytics for passive nutritionist income

If your website was to be viewed 50,000 times in a month, creators could earn around $3,204, which works out around 30,40.

As you can see from Rachel Hartley’s nutrition blog below, she has adverts around her pages, allowing her to earn nutritionist passive income:

Rachel Hartley nutritionist passive income

If the ads are structured on your page in a certain way, you could use them to break up text and content. This looks less overwhelming than having dozens of adverts popping up on screen which is likely to turn readers away from your posts.

#5 – Develop An Education Series For Nutritionist Passive Income

Develop An Education Series For Nutritionist Passive Income

If you’re looking to earn more nutritionist passive income without sacrificing more hours, you may consider developing an online education series for clients. This is a great way to provide continued nutritional education, attracting both new clients and educating current ones further.

While you will have to invest time in developing the education programme at first, people can then continue purchasing the series without you having to continue putting in extra work as this can be done through pre-recorded videos.

You should focus on topics that cater to certain groups but are common enough to ensure people will be interested in purchasing your education series. This could be educating people on topics such as:

  • Nutrition advice to regulate blood sugar
  • Anti-inflammatory diets
  • Diet advice for those with coeliac

By having pre-recorded videos or programmes ready for clients to use, this means you can continue earning money from them long after the initial work has been completed.

Nutritionist passive income money

The only time you may have to put in is a couple times a month if you want to have live check-ins to answer any questions people may have.

For example, Nutrihub has live online webinars on a range of nutrition related topics priced at £20 or around €23 each:

Nutrihub recorded webinars passive income

They also sell recorded webinars which can be purchased for the same price, highlighting how those who didn’t attend the live seminar can still benefit from these recorded resources:

Nutrihub webinars for passive nutritionist income

You can host the live webinar on a simple platform such as Zoom. Those who purchase the webinar can be sent a link which grants them access to the meeting. You can then choose to record the webinar on Zoom:

zoom calls nutrition passive income ideas

However, if you’d like to take out any unforeseen issues or client involvement for the pre-recorded webinars, you may decide to record it alone. While this may take time as you’ll have to essentially present the webinar twice, clients may feel it’s better value for money if they see you’ve put in extra time to record it for them.

You could sell these online education webinars individually for a higher price such as 20 or you may decide to sell them in packages. This could be a package of 3 webinars for €40, all based on videos about the same topic, such as living a gluten free lifestyle.

If you choose to charge clients for individual webinars or online lectures, you should also include resources similar to Nutrihub. As you can see below, those who purchase their webinars are provided with the scientifically referenced slides and full webinar recording:

Nutrihub resources for passive income ideas

People are more likely to invest their money in your education series if they can keep further resources they can use in the future such as powerpoint presentations and digital copies of the live webinar.

#6 – Providing Digital Products Can Provide Passive Income For Nutrition Practice

Providing Digital Products Can Provide Passive Income For Nutrition Practice

Another great way to earn passive income as a nutritionist is to sell digital products. This is why it’s a good idea to start a nutrition blog as it’s an easy way to develop content you can compile into something large in a short amount of time.

You may choose to compile a series of recipes together which can be sold as an eBook and these can be centred around healthy recipes for those who have to live particular lifestyles.

An example of this comes from NutriDiet, who sell eBooks around vegan and plant based eating. These resources are reasonably priced with each one being between £10 and £20 or around €11 to €22:

Nutridiet ebooks passive income for nutritionists

Even if just a few people purchase these resources, this can provide a modest passive income for nutritionists. Once again, when these eBooks have been created, you don’t have to continually put in further work. After these have been bought, a client can continue to use them as much as they want.

If we take the example above, you may decide to attract buyers with certain deals. This could be purchasing all three eBooks together for a discounted price. For instance, purchasing all three separately comes to £43 or just under €50. However, you may choose to sell a bundle of three eBooks for €40 instead.

eBook resources for passive income ideas for nutritionist

To keep your online resources fresh and appealing, you may decide to produce seasonal or topical eBooks or give them appealing names. This could include titles such as ‘Recipes For A Healthy Holiday Season’ or ‘Eating Towards A Happy Heart’.

For instance, Road To Belle has a Christmas eBook covering a range of different recipes for those with diabetes, low blood pressure, and high cholesterol:

Road To Belle eBook passive income for nutritionist

As you can see, this is very reasonably priced and should reflect the product. For limited or seasonal eBooks, it’s likely you’ll spend less time creating these ones meaning this should be highlighted by the lower price.

If you decide to choose the route of recipes books, these could be focused on:

  • Recipes for heart health
  • Recipes for diabetics
  • Recipes for pregnancy

You may also decide to sell meal plans to accompany your recipes. For example, The London Nutritionist sells meal plan packages with various prices:

Meal plan packages for passive income for nutritionists

Although the meal plan packages of the London Nutritionist are on the more expensive side, you may choose to offer these plans for less depending on how much work you put in. If these are meal plans tailored for individuals, this will take more time. However, you may choose to save time by offering more general plans for topics as mentioned above.

To further increase your nutritionist passive income, you can continue to include affiliate links in your digital resources and update them occasionally if you gain more sponsors.

Before You Go!

By putting our nutrition practice passive income ideas in place, you can get started earning additional income and continue developing new and creative ways to help clients.

With our Personal Trainer Diploma, you can get started by helping clients both with their nutrition and fitness. Qualifying with our courses means you can begin offering PT sessions to current nutrition clients and help them successfully reach their goals.

Find out more by downloading our course prospectus here.

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About the Author: James Brady

James Brady OriGym Author
James graduated with an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Manchester. His desire to find a place where he could combine his passion for writing and love of fitness is what brought him to OriGym. He believes his passion for daily exercise, especially running, is imperative in keeping him motivated and productive. As a result, he has a particular interest in the psychology of health and fitness and the relationship between physical and mental health. Outside of work, James enjoys reading, swimming, playing tennis, rowing, writing short stories, and watching classic movies.

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